Reaching Financial Equality – a Call to Action – #IWD2021

On International Women’s Day 2021, Claudine Moore moderated a high-level event themed: Reaching Financial Equality – a Call to Action. Opening remarks were provided by H. M, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development. Other panelists included the Ministers of Finance for Mexico and Indonesia, Hon. Arturo Herrera and H. E Sri Mulyani Indrawati and the Governor of Bank of Ghana, Dr Ernest Kwamina Addison.

The event was hosted by Women’s World Banking, the World Bank, the Better Than Cash Alliance, and the United Nations Capital Development Fund and discussed the importance of prioritizing digital financial inclusion for women.

The panelists committed to action points listed in the G20 report on Advancing Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion, endorsed by all G20 Finance Ministers. These include the outlaw of financial discrimination against women, the design of appropriate and affordable financial products for women, and an end to the gender digital divide, amongst other calls to action.

You can watch the full webinar session here

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